Sitges Blues

dark thoughts in the dark room
oh great, you came - didn’t think you would - seems weird standing here - you dressed - me bollock naked - you can put your clothes in one of them lockers over there if you like - that’s where I put mine- no of course you don’t have to strip off - just take your shirt off - whatever you feel comfortable with.
you’re very quiet - you okay? - you don’t look okay - you’ve got that look - you look disapproving - i know you think it’s sleazy - i like sleazy - can’t you accept that?

of course it matters what you think you’re my partner - i thought we had an agreement - we’re not monogamous - do you want to be monogamous? - well then why do you have to look so disapproving? - how many times do we have to have this conversation? - you need to have sex with love but you don’t need to have love with sex - there’s no love here.

don’t look at me like that! - i don’t do much for fuck’s sake and i’m always safe - why do you have to make everything so fucking difficult? - why do you have to spoil everything? - i’m going home!
no, sorry, i'll stay - you go.

open relationships - it all looks so easy on paper - sorry - yea - you go - bye - see you later - love you - don’t wait up -
love you.