A Queer Night at Parrots

parrots queer - queer heart of the city - queer part of the town
placa industria - place of work -place to play
a seated sea of men - men deliciously drowning in men - men who like men together - and this is bears week - no alternative sexualities this evening -no diversity of sexualities here tonight
queer male bodies up close and personal
comfortable and safe
eyeing up the queer possibilities in a guy's hairy leg - a guy's tight arse - some guy's cool trainers or his cocky camp

sexual heat -cock tales -grindr grinds on
or the dog in the night time arrives
and this night time procession rolls along - the queer show - seeing and being seen
queer sitges welcoming and warm

then suddenly a straight guy with his mates
is laughing at the queers
he covers his mouth in mocking fear
one moment and he's gone

and the night time procession moves on
and no one noticed but me
and my large red wine
my comfortable parrots red wine.